Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Knowledge of Life

After getting to know me really know me
You start to realize I am a really open person.
I start sharing things, personal things
With all of you and I'm about to tell you why.

Most people would guess
Because your close to them, you want that listening ear.
True. But not my main reason.
Maybe because you just need to vent out those feelings.
More then likely that isn't true for me.
So what is it?

The reason why I open up so much 
is because I'm telling you these things that I dont understand.
Each and everyone of us all have our 
separate windows that we all look through.
You look through and its how you see life.
Its what you perceive and how you feel.
However not one window is the same.
They may have similar views but they are not the same.

We all look through and determine that this is how life is,
You can see it, you know it.
Most times that's why we argue. 
Because you see it one way while another see's it different.
I learned this from a TED talk that really is AMAZING! 
That is the link, if your interested. I Highly Recommend.

Anyways but skipping to the point.
I am open because I want you to share with me your view.
I want to understand this problem in different ways.
Because looking at it in just our perspective can't always help.
I YEARN for the knowledge of others perspectives.
I love being able to see things in different views! 

So next time you argue,
The next time you fight.
Think about it,
Because your not always right. 

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