Thursday, November 14, 2013

Europe All Night to Get Lucky

"Ugh, I ripped a hole in my favorite shorts,
I'm never going to get over this..." -Darien Thayne

"...You may not be able to get over it,
but I can promise you, you can get through it." -Cody Ahn

Those exact words honestly made me through my day.
(But more on that later)
We have been working extra hard today now that Pierettes back.
She was off for a few days flying as a stewardess.
And plus it's our last day,
and we must leave with a good impression ;)

However, we didn't get much sleep,
we were awoken at 8AM, well I was.
(Darien went back to sleep after)
Reason being for breakfast and an early start to work.
After breakfast we got Darien up, and got to work.
We had to sand a door that with terrible tools,
and move kitchen furniture that was under a pile of other furniture.
Let's just say it wasn't our most favorite job.
Non the less it was partially finished ;)
I say partially due to the fact that we gave up on sanding the door.

back to the quote I posted at the beginning.
After our lunch break we went back to the house,
we took a shortcut which involved climbing over a fence..
As you have already guessed, Darien's shorts were ripped in the process.
Due to the fact Darien was super tired today,
he was in a worse mood after realizing his favorite shorts had been ripped.
and in all places, the crotch area.
Luckily Darien has learned to pick up with a needle and thread.
(He has sewn to fix a bracelet, backpack, his shorts buttons, and now his ripped shorts)
Darien has been pretty unlucky with the stuff he brought.

However we are done so we are happy!
Well at least we think we are done.
Honestly Darien and I are worried there
might be more work to be done.
Hopefully not.
But if there is we will jump to it.

So tomorrow our train will leave at 6:30am
Meaning we have to be up at 6AM...
If you didn't already know, we aren't exactly morning people.
Much less ones who go to bed early.
So hopefully we make our train on time >_<

We will be traveling for 12 hours in total.
No worries though,
we couldn't be happier to be off to a good weekend!
We will be living it up in Graz, Austria for the weekend then soon
after that we are (hopefully) making our way to Prague, Czech Republic.
If we can find a way to get there,
We couldn't find any trains to Prague... but if there is a will there's way, right?
Once in Prague it will just be us kicking back and relaxing.
Hopefully if I'm lucky
I will be able to fit in another blog post during this next week.
If not... Sorry, not sorry.

But just think,
till I come back to the good ol' boring life of the US of A.
I can't say I'm not looking forward to it,
but I honestly am not ready to call quits either.
I know I mentioned being home sick,
but it's mainly the fact that we've been sitting in certain countries
for too long, and its time to be up and going! <-- tee-hee

I'm glad I got to post as much as I did,
my family has been clingy lately, and I feel its due to the lack of posts.
... Love you guys... <3
Hope to be back here soon,


(Darien, NoƩimie, and I)

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