Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 1 (Europe & Going)

The thought of leaving home to go to another country is beyond comprehension. 
Stepping out of the daily schedule to go out and experience something new is frightening. 
We grow up learning routines so our comfort zones tend to shrink the more we build ourselves into them. 
I think too often we enclose ourselves from the world because we seek comfort. 
It isn't easy stepping out of our comfort zones because of the many anxieties and time consuming efforts. 
You never know what to expect.. 

So leaving the comfort of having a family close and a different world we've grown up on tends to bring on a new feeling. 
At first it becomes frightening, anxiety kicks in with its clever tricks of making the world seem stronger than you. 
Few make it out alive with their mission still set. 
How I view it is that anxiety is a tool to test your inner strength. 
Are you willing to give up when the going gets tough or are you going to fight?
How badly do you want this?
Anxiety is a tough coach but a teacher none the less. Where there is a will there is a way.

This is the beginning. 
I have a world full of opportunity. 
And I am only getting to see a portion of the geography and culture. 
I am honored to participate in such a journey. 
I hope to experience this from many perspectives and learn from these new views.

I aim to grow from all of this and take advantage of my youth so I can keep an open eager mind throughout my years. 

Mom, Dad, Aunt Pauline, Uncle Troy, other family, friends, and random blog spotters! We appreciate your support! I will keep updating as much as I can. We hope all is well at home. Darien and I love you and will put in our very best to do you all proud(: 

  Photo: Airport Drop-off! 

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